Hajin woke up to an unfamiliar scent.
When she opened her eyes, she noticed that she is not in her own bedroom.
The room looked fancy with expensive materials surrounding it, there was even a chandelier on the ceiling where she slept.
She also noticed that her clothes had been changed. She was in deep shock as to who changed her clothes.
She automatically thought that she is probably in a luxurious hotel and had a one night stand with a random guy.
She then decided to look around the whole room to see if someone was around.
But it looked like a room that no one has slept before.
There were no set of clothes in the closet, but she did find her clothes in there and a couple of towels and shirts. Then she heard a knock on her door.
When Hajin heard the knock on her door, she ran towards her bed and decided to fake a sleep.
She heard a woman’s familiar voice saying, “Are you awake? If you are, come down for breakfast.”
She paused for a moment and decided to rethink about how she ended up in that bedroom.
She tried her best to remember but nothing comes up in her mind.
Then she heard a second knock on the door and said, “Oi! I know you are awake! Come downstairs. I know you are starving.”
She recognized that voice as WangSo’s and then she was able to remember!
She started to hit her head with her hand and felt embarrassed as she was recalling as to what she did last night.
She began to touch her lips and she smiled.
She quickly went to the bathroom to get herself ready.
After she put on a little make up and changed to her clothes, she went downstairs.

As Hajin was walking downstairs, from a far, she noticed a woman sitting on the dining table that looks similar to Court Lady Oh.
She stood at the base of stairs frozen.
She was surprised at what she saw and then their eyes met. 

Lady Oh stared at her in the eyes and said, “Are you coming to join us or not? If you’re not hungry, then drink this soup and get on your way.”
As she was shaking her head to get herself back to her senses, she replied “Ah… yeah….” and walked to the dining table.
At the same time, WangSo joined them at the table.
Then Lady Oh said, “Where is your brother?” and WangSo said “He left early to fix his studio”. Then they started eating breakfast.
As they were eating, Lady Oh was staring at Hajin with a stern look which made Hajin nervous and comforted at the same time.
Hajin then said, “Madam, your skin is flawless! What is your secret?”
Lady Oh replied “I have no secret”.
Then WangSo decided to speak out to break the tension, “I am done eating”.
And while looking at Hajin he said “Are you coming?” and Hajin asked, “Coming? Me? Why? Where are we going?”
WangSo replied, “Ah…. Mom, I forgot to tell you, she is my new assistant.”
In shock, Hajin yelled, “Mom?!” and Lady Oh looked at her in disbelief and said “I am his mother, is there a problem?”
Hajin then laughed and said “No..no…” WangSo then said, “Let’s go!” and he gave his mother a kiss before they left.
After that, Hajin left the house with Wang So.
 As WangSo was driving to his office, Hajin asked, “How did I get there?”
Wang so replied “Do you not remember?” and she said “well…”
(As much as she wanted to say that she remember, she pretends that she could not remember because she is overly embarrassed about what she did).
She then continued to say “I do not remember at all!”
And he said “Really? You were crying and saying “Please remember me and then you ki---“
Hajin abruptly stopped him and said “aw…ouch… my head hurts….”
Then WangSo hurriedly stopped the car on the side of the road.

When WangSo stopped the car on the side of the road, he took his seat belt off and stared at her, then he leaned closer to her.
He said, “You remember do you?”
Hajin quickly answered while trying to avoid eye contact and said “No! I do not!”.
He leaned much closer to her where they could feel each other’s breath.
He then said, “Do you really not remember?”
Hajin’s face become flushed red and…………. she closed her eyes.
WangSo flicked her head with his finger and let out a huge laugh.
He then said, “Haha! Did you think I was going to kiss you?”
and she replied while shaking her head, “No! no! no! I closed my eyes because… nothing! I just closed my eyes!”
He then replied, “Don’t worry, I won’t kiss you without your permission”
And Hajin looked at him and smiled, as she remember the words of the 4th prince.

Then WangSo’s phone rang and from the sound of it, the call did not look too promising.
WangSo and Hajin drove off from where they stopped.
As they were getting close to WangSo’s office, Hajin said, “ummm...Can I ask you a question?”
WangSo replied, “mmmhhmm…”
She then asked, “Who changed my clothes last night?”
WangSo smiled and looked at her.
Hajin’s eyes opened and wide and she let out a scream!
WangSo replied, “Calm down, I did not say I did it”
She quickly said, “So you did not change my clothes..?”
WangSo said, “I did not say I didn’t do it either….” And then he parked the car.
Hajin is then asked, “Then WHO?!”
WangSo said, “Maybe I did, maybe I did not” and winked at her.
Then he got off the car. Hajin was left in the passenger seat contemplating and try to recall about what really happened last night.
Then WangSo, said “Are you coming?”
And she looked at him and said “Uhhh yeah…”
WangSo said, “Do not worry, there is nothing to see anyways” and laughed.
Hajin then looked at WangSo with disbelief.
Then she yelled and said, “what do you mean there is nothing to see?! There is a lot to see!”
He stopped walking, turned around, looked back at Hajin, then walked towards her.
He then stopped to where Hajin was standing and leaned closer to her, looked down at her chest and said “Do you want me to see?” and she froze for a moment.
Then, WangSo’s phone rang.
As WangSo was walking towards the entrance of the building, she started to think, “If he is my WangSo, should I stay beside him or stay away?”

Written by: Katley
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